Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Tetrad of 4 blood moons actually has serious ramifications for Israel

April 7 2014

Tetrad of 4 blood moons actually has serious ramifications for Israel

Israel has a high probability of becoming dangerous over the next couple of years for religious reasons alone. I don't usually post on religious topics because they are virtually always speculation, but this upcoming sequence of lunar eclipses is anything but ordinary and Israel will take them very seriously.

A tetrad, which is a sequence of four total lunar eclipses is a rare event, and the upcoming tetrad will be the last of this century. Though lunar eclipses which are known as "blood moons" happen often, it is unusual to get four in a sequence, and even more unusual to have them fall on significant Jewish holidays. And history has proven that every time this happens, the Jews have something big happen, often a disaster. The Talmud says that "When the moon is in eclipse, it is a bad omen for Israel."
This is not just hype or religious speculation, there is hard factual history that proves this to be the case. There have only been 7 tetrads with blood moons that have fallen on Jewish holidays in back to back years since ad 01, and the 8th tetrad pair will happen in 2014 and 2015. Every time a tetrad happens the Jews have had a major event occur, usually a disaster. Though the calendars cannot be confirmed prior to 1492, every tetrad since has been huge for the Jewish community and Jewish history has everything seriously bad for them happening during blood red moons. And a tetrad is super bad.
One happened in 1492, and during it the Jews were expelled from Spain. One happened in 1949, just after Israel became a state and unrest was rampant. One happened in 1967, and during it the Jews almost totally lost the Yom Kippur war, which remains an absolute event of dread for Jews. And this next one which starts on April 15 is happening amidst a background of world turmoil that the Jewish community has caused, and I strongly believe that flight 370 was taken by them with this in consideration, to be used as a weapon to put the world in a state of sympathy for Israel in the hopes of stopping anything bad from happening to them this time around.
Now I don't talk religion, but from Abrahamic religion perspective, the number 8 symbolizes a new beginning. That makes this upcoming tetrad even more ominous for Israel and the Jewish community, because if it really does involve a new beginning as the numbers indicate, will this new beginning include them? And six is a sacred Jewish number, is that why Israel was not seriously harmed during the sixth tetrad?
Who knows. But I know one thing for certain - the Jews take this stuff VERY SERIOUSLY, and when you add the fact that these tetrads have accomanying solar eclipses, which is DOUBLE BAD, they are definitely all holding their breath hoping nothing bad happens this time around. This could make them very dangerous over the next year or so, heads up, there is a reason why I posted on a religious topic when I virtually never do, this one could be significant. Here is a well put together chart of it all.

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