Thursday, 18 October 2012

Illegal CIA drone attack kills 9 in Yemen US assassination drone kills 9 in Yemen LAST UPDATE Thu, 18 Oct 2012 07:09:43 GMT At least nine people have been killed in a US assassination drone strike near the city of Jaar in southern Yemen. A Yemeni official said the unmanned aircraft fired several rockets on Thursday. Washington has been using its assassination drones in Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Somalia, and claims it is targeting terrorists, but the attacks have mostly led to massive civilian deaths. On October 4, a US drone fired four missiles at two vehicles traveling in the town of Saeed, in Yemen’s Shabawa province, killing five people. The United Nations has censured the US drone attacks as targeted killings and says they flout international law. "According to a recent report by Yemen’s National Organization for Defending Rights and Freedoms, over 300 people have been killed in the strikes carried out in the southern regions of the country so far in 2012." Reports, however, say that the CIA is seeking to expand its covert drone attacks in Yemen, despite the fact that the airstrikes mostly result in civilian casualties.

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